Friday, April 29, 2011

Nicole Seah - PAP Minister sneers at poor Nicole.........

Nicole Seah vs Tin Pei Ling - Speaking in their own words !!!

Tin Pei Ling 跺脚姑娘 jeered at Marine Parade, Nicole Seah capture hearts

TVSelangor09 21042011 Utusan, PERKASA Lagakan Melayu, Cina.mpg

For Utusan, Perkasa swarms MCA HQ

Bersih 2.0 reveals election malpractices during Sarawak polls

Aminulrasyid's mum bids to clear his name

Aminulrasyid's mum bids to clear his name

Suaram 20 Years Vid.mp4

Police beat us at station say detained China students

Aduan tatatertib pada sarjan 'peras ugut'

NGO serah memo bantah perbelanjaan ketenteraan

Boycott Nestle

Say 'No' to Nestlé: Water War Begins to Boil in Maine

Stop Nespressure! Nestlé unions in India protest union busting at Nestlé...

Club Med and trade union rights in Malaysia

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's Go Vote ! Jom Undilah ! 来吧! 一起去投票 !

Do you vote for next coming election ?
Please share with your friend & comment. Thank you.< Let's Go Vote ! Jom Undilah ! 来吧! 一起去投票 ! >Please join this link. Thank you.



傍晚 7点03分





因此,林吉祥质问,“在温家宝进行的短暂国事访问当中,我们给他留下了什么印象?那就是我们的政府为性爱短片疯狂,而不是如何加强马来西亚多元种族团结或是国际竞争力?这真是 国家的羞耻及耻辱!”





4. 所有的家长都应该前往警局针对第三电视报案。让我们发起全国运动,来保护家园及小孩,免受恶心电视画面及龌龊政治荼毒。















“我们也不能排除性爱短片可能在警方的监管及保管下外泄两个片段上Youtube, 全国总警长依斯迈奥玛也应该指示当局正式提交警察报告,以及另设调查队伍进行调查。警方的信誉、廉正、专业度及声誉已经岌岌可危。”






无论如何,第二部已经播放了, 是好事,以便证明安华一直都是说真话。



Tiananmen Survivors Recall Massacre


Lh Lim posted in 改朝换代.
2011年4月28日 17:46









冠军:国產车(3188);亚军:丰田 (1419);季军:第二国產车(1017);优胜两名:本田(340)及日產(253)。














这就是一个什么都可能的国家-马来西亚 !!!



淨空法師談 - 現今社會人們都以(發財、爭利) 擺第一,是很危險的

Anwar gives statement over sex video screening

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TVSelangor09 26032011 Anwar Dikasari , Dipaksa Hentikan Ceramah Video Lucah

Eskay gives cops DNA sample

Que fim levou o homem que desafiou os tanques da China?

Que fim levou o homem que desafiou os tanques da China?

Police crack down on protestors at UM

Police crack down on protestors at UM

【报导】跨族政治座谈反应佳 回教党:国阵才是种族不和谐的绊脚石 - 党团,民生及社会新闻 - 甲州眼 公民社会我最大 - Powered by Discuz!

【报导】跨族政治座谈反应佳 回教党:国阵才是种族不和谐的绊脚石 - 党团,民生及社会新闻 - 甲州眼 公民社会我最大 - Powered by Discuz!

【独家专题】没有艺术气息建筑费高昂,鸡场街30万新舞台引人诟病 - 党团,民生及社会新闻 - 甲州眼 公民社会我最大 - Powered by Discuz!

【独家专题】没有艺术气息建筑费高昂,鸡场街30万新舞台引人诟病 - 党团,民生及社会新闻 - 甲州眼 公民社会我最大 - Powered by Discuz!

60人沉默47分钟迎接大马日 丽兰以白烛排卧尸狀沉冤待雪

The Word Fuck

Indian Teacher Explains The F Word

Monday, April 25, 2011

Exclusive:100 Ibans demand balance Rm400.00 election promise from SUPP HQ in Sibu this morning!(Update)

Exclusive:100 Ibans demand balance Rm400.00 election promise from SUPP HQ in Sibu this morning!(Update)

« Radio Free Sarawak taking a short break!Eye-witness report:100 Ibans who demanded payment from SUPP HQ »Exclusive:100 Ibans demand balance Rm400.00 election promise from SUPP HQ in Sibu this morning!(Update)
April 25, 2011 by democracy4now

About 100 Ibans descended upon SUPP’s Sibu HQ to demand the balance of election promise amounting to Rm400.00 for each voter from SUPP candidate. According to eye-witness DAP’s chief Wong Ho Leng was also on hand to handle the situation. The Ibans however declined to give testimony or report to the police about their complaint where they alleged that SUPP agents refused to pay them the balance of the payment by using the excuse that these voters had voted for the Opposition candidate.

According to unverified allegations one of the candidates for Bawan Assan paid many voters Rm500.00 each to buy their vote. The news had spreaded far and wide such that even members of the public from as far as Sg Asap are heard talking about it. Such vote buying, if confirmed, would discredit the elected Assemblyperson for the area concerned ie Datuk Wong Soon Koh.

The incident recalls another similar incident years ago where hundreds of Ibans flocked to Rimbunan Hijau’s HQ to demand election promises in the form of payment to the voters, where some dissappointed voters even broke into fights with the company.

In the state election Wong Soon Koh of SUPP defeated DAP’s newbie Alice Lau by a much diminished majority as in previous state elections. Wong polled 7316 vote, beating Alice by 1808 votes. Wong remain as 1 of the 6 SUPP candidates who survived the state elections onslaught by the Pakatan Rakyat.

Update: Actually those who demand payment from SUPP are as guilty as the bribe givers as both are involved in bribery/corruption. While the police has no duty to help one side to demand payment which are illegal from the other, if the police take a legal view then they should take actions on both sides! But yet few of the public can expect the police to uphold the laws as they should. In the previous event in 1995 the case ended without any settlement.

Dolce & Gabbana - Light Blue Fragrance Commercial

Logging company of Taib Mahmud's sister sued by Sebangan natives

TVSelangor09 -Siapa Taib Mahmud .mpg

'Form RCI to probe Taib family wealth'

8 students held for 'protest' released

8 students held for 'protest' released

Memo served to PM on marginalization of Malaysian minorities

What has sex video to do with bomb-making?







他也指出,赛夫在所谓的案发现场,其实有多次的机会可以离开或逃走,但他却没有那样做,有违他指自己在非自愿 情况下肛交的说法。而且在事后翌日,还前往公正党总部,甚至安华住家



他也指出,控方未能传召首先为赛夫体检的普斯拉维医院医生莫哈末奥斯曼(Mohamad Osman Abdul Hamid)是一大失误,导致他们的论据受损。 奥斯曼体检报告过去泄漏出来,其中宣称赛夫没有遭到任何人鸡奸或性侵犯。








另一方面,控方第二律政司尤索夫(Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden)在午休之后,在2点45分左右开始向法庭陈词。 他宣称,根据警方从安华扣留室取得的3项物品,它们所沾有的DNA与在赛夫直肠内找到的DNA相符,因此一口咬定安华就是早前被列为不明的“Y男子”。

在聆听双方陈词之后,高庭法官莫哈末扎比丁(Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah)预料将会择期宣判安华是否表面罪名成立,而必须出庭自辩。








下午3点25分:针对扣留室内的3项物品,即矿泉水瓶、毛巾和牙刷,尤索夫强调,当时在扣留室内过夜的只有安华一人,而且从这些物品所采集的DNA,符合不明 “Y男子”的DNA。





他认为,精液的存在已足以证明曾有插入和性交的情节。 下午3点14分:尤索夫表示,赛夫到公寓会晤安华,以讨论工作时间表,并且递送一些文件,这是没有争议的事情。

他也引述医疗文献,包括控方专家证人大卫(David Wells)的文章指出,无论是自愿或非自愿,插入成人肛门鲜少会造成伤痕。
























中午12点26分:山卡拉表示,吉隆坡中央医院医生拉查里(Mohd Razali Ibrahim)、邵雪峰和凯鲁尼占(Khairul Nizam Hassan)不能够完全取信于人。
























上午10点25分:卡巴星指出,控方也应该传召依占(已退党的前公青团长,目前是国阵上议员)或玛目达兹(Mumtaz Jaafar,罗斯玛的好友),因为赛夫报案前曾会晤他们两人。





“赛夫首先向(普斯拉维医院医生)莫哈末奥斯曼(Mohamad Osman Abdul Hamid)求助,但奥斯曼却没有被(控方)传召。”









早上9点56分:卡巴星的陈词进入案件的细节。他指出,既然赛夫(左图)已进入学院接受高等教育,因此他绝不是一个“乡巴佬”(country bumpkin)。

早上9点53分:卡巴星也援引安华10年前所面对的第一次肛交案来提醒法官,虽然高庭当时接受了原告阿兹赞阿布巴卡(Azizan Abu Bakar)的指控,并且宣判安华有罪,但这宗案件最后却被联邦法院所推翻。











早上9点21分:辩控双方进入内庭会晤法官莫哈末扎比丁(Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah)。





早上8点46分:控方队伍抵达法庭。原告赛夫父亲阿兹兰(Azlan Md Lazim)也已在法庭内就坐。

Fitness - Abs Assassin Workout


日增50人吸毒 零毒品難達標














旺阿茲莎展開攻勢 借砂戰情要柔州人求變









Sunday, April 24, 2011










Posted by 痞客邦 PIXNET

《独立新闻在线》- 就是坑钱不转型

《独立新闻在线》- 就是坑钱不转型

Friday, April 22, 2011

Instead of being angry and outraged at the huge interest in Sarawak, let us use this to inspire ourselves to be more involved in our state issues.

Challenges for BN, Pakatan after the S’wak polls
Did you hear about the Bidayuh who voted for DAP?

By June Rubis
April 22, 2011

We were like a bad bar joke: two Bidayuhs, a Lun Bawang, an Iban, and two Malays walk into a DAP ceramah in Kuching. The crowd is mostly Chinese, and the speeches so far are all in Mandarin.

“I don’t understand what they are saying,” I complain to my fellow Bidayuh.

“Neither do we, and that is why we drink,” he replies, handing me a can of beer.

The next day is Election Day for Sarawak, and we, the motley crew representing the urban non-Chinese, cast our votes for DAP.

Times have changed for urban Sarawakians who all this while have embraced DAP as a home-grown party despite it having its origins in West Malaysia. We have seen the party struggle to grab a foothold in the state political arena for many decades.

It may be a Chinese-based party but for many of us urban voters, it represents the best possible choice for change of a state governance that we have grown weary of. Plus, you have to admit, their mascot is very cun.

Unsurprisingly, DAP has done very well in the urban areas (and 30,000 Ubah plush toys have sold out in less than two weeks), and soon everyone’s jumping on the bandwagon about how the Sarawak Chinese have rejected Barisan Nasional.
I jokingly tweet about feeling neglected as an urban Dayak who had voted for “ubah”, and how the Chinese are getting all the credit.

And then, it starts to get a bit nasty. The Chinese community in Sarawak are accused of rejecting multi-racialism. Seriously?

I ask you, pick any Sarawak Chinese and ask them whether they have indigenous relatives, either by blood or marriage, and they will answer you in the affirmative. Sarawakians are a plural society, and we are proud of it. We may identify ourselves as Chinese, Bidayuh or Lun Bawang but at the heart of it, we are always Sarawakians first.

Blaming the divide between the urban and rural votes in the state election on race is lazy analysis.

It is all too easy to blame a group of people — either the Chinese for “rejecting multi-racialism” and voting for DAP, or the rural indigenous population for being “short-sighted, and naive” and voting for BN — than to acknowledge the real issues on the ground.

Let us put aside, for now, the obvious vote-buying, intimidation, trickery and unfairness during the electoral process that we all know happened during the election.

What we have to acknowledge and try to understand is that for the most part, the rural population still identify and support BN as the only genuine state government.

Dismissing the voting results from the rural areas to the corruption process is simplistic and lazy because it absolves do-gooders from having to go on the ground, and try to understand why the rural peoples feel beholden to BN. We need to go beyond tweeting/facebooking/blogging about our outrage of the state election results.

Years of indoctrination cannot be undone in one state election, yet please do not mistake me for being dismissive about the results.

As a Sarawakian who has lived most of her life in this state, I am quite happy with the outcome. We may not have the government that we had hoped for but yet 45 per cent of my fellow Sarawakians voted for a change of government.

And this has given me hope.

I acknowledge that Pakatan Rakyat has given Sarawak a collective hope that we have not seen in years. That a change of government is indeed possible.

It is not the fiery speeches from the ceramahs that has inspired me per se, but the thousands of my people — Chinese, Bidayuh, Melanau, Iban, Malay — that came out despite the fear of being seen as “opposition”.

And now we, urbanites of Sarawak, ARE the opposition. There is some beauty in this.

For those two short weeks of intense campaigning, I would hope that those who came from West Malaysia with the genuine intent to help Sarawak, had a quick glimpse at what we have lived with for the past 30 years. You may not understand why we see things the way we do, but I do hope that this is the beginning of what will be a long process of trying to understand and help.

To my fellow Sarawakians who were outraged with how our brothers and sisters came from West Malaysia with their own ideas of doing things, let us at least acknowledge that their abrasiveness, lack of protocol, enthusiasm, and yes, naiveté, of how things work in Sarawak, and overcome our own inhibitions of “this is just how things are”.

They helped us get our voices back. Their speeches, while at times biased towards West Malaysian issues, inspired us so that we too can speak out, loud and proud, and not be afraid. And yes, a lot of us were afraid for many years.

Instead of being angry and outraged at the huge interest in Sarawak, let us use this to inspire ourselves to be more involved in our state issues.

We do not like how the West Malaysians are doing things? Then let us lead the way.

Let us find the humility that there are still things we need to learn. Do not worry about the condescension that they sometimes show towards us. I am beginning to realise lately that it is more of their reflection of fear and confusion than anything else.

There is so much to do for Sarawak, on the political and civil society front, and we have to realise that it starts with us Sarawakians, but we do not have to do it alone.

And maybe, one day, we can move on beyond being a bad bar joke, and prove to the rest of the country that when we cast our votes, we indeed cast our votes for the representatives that we felt were best suited for the job, and not because of the colour of her skin.

* June is very sad that she did not manage to get an Ubah plush toy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

this is a very vital project for DAP, too, all member in sabah, sarawak must have facebook account!

SEMOGA setiap ahli PAS boleh "add"(menambah) sekurang-kurangnya 30 orang JOHOR, 30 orang Sabah dan Sarawak seminggu dalam facebook,stumble(bolehmasuk dgn laluan facebook( dalam tempoh seminggu.

Ini"jihad" untuk semua, termasuk ahli keadilan, dap, juga dan rakan pakatan rakyat...buatlah sekarang, beraksi segera!

DAP MEMBER at all level, including all democratic lovers in Australia, Perth, Sydney, New Zealand, Englang, USA, Taiwan,Hong Kong, China, everywhere......

add more PAS members in Johor, friends in Sabah, Sarawak, Melaka(Malacca)< Negeri Sembilan, terengganu........

Save Malaysia.all must act now........

Obama, Australian should send satelite then give free internet to all need thru telco/telecommunication companies......

The biggest contribution for 21st century should be anyone can get internet freely and any place, even in remote areas.....

(this is a very big and sure earn business, if all use this free internet thru satelite--microsoft can invest in this project.....juat imagine the whole Asia many people are using this free internet..........zelion will be internet for Asians.....think about it....even you are inside remote areas, inside can acess internet...freely, free and will be zelionaire.)

now, most important is add more east malaysians in facebook, stumble.....let them be is useless if you can't connect with them...why radio free sarawak failed????

the only way is you must add all sabahans and sarawakians in your facebook......add even they are in secondary school, in university.....add them up..........

all west malaysians should add more east malaysians in their facebook.......each pas member must add at least 30 friends from east malaysia weekly....members get facebook friends project is free, but can help pas to build platform in sabah and sarawak.........

this is a very vital project for DAP, too, all member in sabah, sarawak must have facebook account!

DO It Now.............

30 + 30 in a week to save Sabah & Sarawak & Johor--add 30 friends (any races) in Sabah, sarawak and Malaysia







SEMOGA setiap ahli PAS boleh "add"(menambah) sekurang-kurangnya 30 orang JOHOR, 30 orang Sabah dan Sarawak seminggu dalam facebook,stumble(bolehmasuk dgn laluan facebook( dalam tempoh seminggu.

Ini"jihad" untuk semua, termasuk ahli keadilan, dap, juga dan rakan pakatan rakyat...buatlah sekarang, beraksi segera!

DAP MEMBER at all level, including all democratic lovers in Australia, Perth, Sydney, New Zealand, Englang, USA, Taiwan,Hong Kong, China, everywhere......

add more PAS members in Johor, friends in Sabah, Sarawak, Melaka(Malacca)< Negeri Sembilan, terengganu........

Save Malaysia.all must act now........

Obama, Australian should send satelite then give free internet to all need thru telco/telecommunication companies......

The biggest contribution for 21st century should be anyone can get internet freely and any place, even in remote areas.....

(this is a very big and sure earn business, if all use this free internet thru satelite--microsoft can invest in this project.....juat imagine the whole Asia many people are using this free internet..........zelion will be internet for Asians.....think about it....even you are inside remote areas, inside can acess internet...freely, free and will be zelionaire.)

now, most important is add more east malaysians in facebook, stumble.....let them be is useless if you can't connect with them...why radio free sarawak failed????

the only way is you must add all sabahans and sarawakians in your facebook......add even they are in secondary school, in university.....add them up..........

all west malaysians should add more east malaysians in their facebook.......each pas member must add at least 30 friends from east malaysia weekly....members get facebook friends project is free, but can help pas to build platform in sabah and sarawak.........

this is a very vital project for DAP, too, all member in sabah, sarawak must have facebook account!

DO It Now.............

MCA leaders’ failure to condemn Utusan Malaysia’s racist call for 1Melayu 1Bumi proves again how powerless MCA is against UMNO

MCA’s failure to condemn Utusan Malaysia shows it is powerless against UMNO

April 21st, 2011 by Teresa Press

Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and MP for Seputeh in Shah Alam on 21 April 2011

MCA leaders’ failure to condemn Utusan Malaysia’s racist call for 1Melayu 1Bumi proves again how powerless MCA is against UMNO

It’s been two days since the recalcitrant UMNO-owned Utusan Malaysia fanned the flames of racial disunity by calling for a 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement to battle the so-called Chinese challenge to Malay dominance in Malaysia, and yet, MCA leaders are still conspicuously silent on the matter.

The only reported statement by MCA on the matter is a quote of MCA Vice-President Liow Tiong Lai saying, “Utusan cannot generalise the whole thing. It has nothing to do with race. It has more to do with the urban needs and the rural needs.” (Source: e-voted-on-urban-rural-lines-not-race/ )

How weak, meek and gentle Liow was towards Utusan Malaysia’s incendiary call, to say nothing of how Utusan Malaysia’s call was the ultimate insult to Prime Minister Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia which MCA claims to support.

MCA’s reticent response to Utusan Malaysia is expected given MCA’s track record of handling Utusan Malaysia’s with kid gloves. They can’t not kowtow to Utusan Malaysia for fear of offending UMNO, owner of Utusan Malaysia and the dominant party of Barisan Nasional (BN).

This shows that the BN “power-sharing” system preached by MCA to uphold the interest of the Chinese and other races in Malaysia is a complete and utter fraud. It cannot be real or effective if MCA can’t even express the outrage towards Utusan Malaysia being voiced out by the very Malaysians of Chinese descent which MCA claims to represent.

Liow’s statement is in fact an attempt to backpaddle from the race-based BN structure which they have propped up for MCA’s own political expediency.

Furthermore, Liow’s statement that race is not a factor is a direct contradiction of his earlier statement that it was racial polarization that had lead to SUPP’s Chinese candidates being ousted in the Sarawak state elections. (Source: )

It appears that Liow switches his position depending on what is most politically expedient for him and MCA at the moment.

However, I am pleased that Liow now acknowledged the truth that DAP did not win our seats on racial politics and that DAP also received substantial support of non-Chinese community in Sarawak.

I urge MCA leaders to grow a backbone and openly condemn Utusan Malaysia’s 1Melayu 1Bumi movement, as Pakatan Rakyat leaders have done, if MCA is to have any credibility as the party that upholds the interests of the Chinese that they claim to be.

Teresa Kok

Societies condemn media controls for Sarawak elections

Societies condemn media controls for Sarawak elections
Friday 15 Apr 2011 MYT 00:42:12
by uppercaise

Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)

Writers’ Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)

On 16 April 2011, close to one million voters in Sarawak will choose their new state government. In order to exercise this right, they require accurate and timely information about the candidates, political parties and election manifestos, as well as the crucial issues of the day.

However, we, the undersigned civil society organisations, note that there have been serious incidents and factors ahead of the 10th state elections which are preventing Sarawakians from seeking, receiving and sharing vital information that can help them decide on their representatives and government:

• The massive cyberattacks targeting two critical news sites within the campaign period.

Sarawak Report, which has been publishing detailed allegations about chief minister Taib Mahmud and his family’s extensive business interests, disproportionate wealth and massive land grabs, had faced interrruptions the week before which climaxed into a full-scale Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on 10 April. The attack rendered the site inaccessible for three days, eventually forcing the owners to publish from a new address.

Popular news portal Malaysiakini was attacked in the same manner on 12 April, incapacitating its two locally hosted servers and forcing the owners of the paid subscription site to resort to Facebook, WordPress and other free publishing platforms to get their news out.

• The nexus between politics and business in media ownership and control.

With all media in the state under the ownership and control of both federal and Sarawak governments, critical issues regarding native customary land, poverty, the alleged rape of Penan women by logging company employees, and governance issues during Taib’s 30-year governance are under-reported or even censored.

A recent example of such control was reported by Malaysiakini on 13 April, which said TV stations under the UMNO-linked media conglomerate Media Prima have been ordered not to broadcast footage of the opposition’s nightly talks in various towns that have been drawing capacity crowds. There is also the still pertinent suspension of Sarawak Tribune executive editor Paul Si for publishing on the front page on 30 August 2010, a Bernama report entitled, “Is Taib Mahmud testing the waters?” which questioned the chief minister’s claim of retiring soon. Although the suspension, for which a gag order was also issued, was said to be for two weeks, Si remains in cold storage till today.

• The absence of free airtime for candidates

Most rural Sarawakians depend on radio and television for information, so the state broadcaster is duty-bound to provide free airtime for all candidates to deliver their message to the voters. Televised debates are a common feature of election campaigns in many democracies. We regret that the Election Commission (EC) has refused to call on RTM to provide for free airtime and televised debates even though the state agency has the constitutional duty under Article 115(2) to assist the EC in the running of elections.

• The arrest of two Sarawakian indigenous rights activists over possession of critical material.

Abun Sui Anyit, a human rights and land rights lawyer, was arrested at Miri Airport on 6 January under the Sedition Act, for possession of CDs and leaflets containing reports from Radio Free Sarawak and TV Sarawak Bebas alleging Taib of corruption. Nicholas Mujah, the secretary of the Sarawak Dayak Association and another vocal land rights activist, was arrested in Kuching after police seized more than 1,000 CDs from his office around the same time, but under the Film Censorship Act. Both have been freed on police bail, but investigations are ongoing.

• The barring of activists from other states from entering Sarawak

While the Sarawak government has the power under Section 65 (I)(a) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963 to control who enters the state, this power has been abused to prevent non-Sarawakian activists critical of Taib from direct engagement with the people.

A 1994 ban on native rights activist Jannie Lasimbang was invoked in 2010 when she tried to enter the state in her new capacity as Suhakam commissioner. Upon protest, the ban was lifted a few months later, but on condition that she stayed away from activities ‘detrimental’ to the interests of the state.

More recently, political activist Steven Ng, academic-activist Wong Chin Huat and lawyer-activist Haris Ibrahim were stopped by Kuching airport immigration officers from entering the state on orders of the state security.

These incidents and factors point to a pattern of political control of information regarding the incumbent state government in an environment that already heavily favours them. While urban residents have access to the messages of opposition and independent candidates via the nightly talks being held in towns and cities, much of the population is in remote areas reachable only by boats, a communications option that is further limited by the 10-day campaign period set by the Election Commission. The poor infrastructure and physical difficulties posed by the mountainous terrain meant that the media with the biggest reach is radio, which is under the government’s licensing control, although there is now the “whistleblower” Radio Free Sarawak.

As such, Sarawakians are being shortchanged of information that can help them to vote wisely, with repercussions beyond their borders since this is the first state elections in Malaysia after the 2008 general elections that shook the hegemony of the Barisan Nasional.

We strongly protest the malicious cyberattacks which limits the people’s access to information and violates the right to free expression and urge the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission to investigate this case under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for abuse of computer facilities.

We reiterate the need to repeal repressive media laws such as the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 and Sedition Act 1948, which have severely hindered the people’s right to freedom of expression – especially crucial during elections.

We also urge for the amendment of election laws to require state-run television and radio stations to provide for free air time for all candidates and political parties.

Unless the above vital issues are addressed seriously by the powers-that-be, democracy in Malaysia remains an illusion while its people shackled by draconian laws.

Jointly issued by
Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
Writers’ Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)

CIJ is a non-profit organisation that aspires for a society that is democratic, just and free, where all peoples will enjoy free media and the freedom to express, seek and impart information.

Charter2000-Aliran is a group of Malaysian individuals and organisations committed to striving for media freedom in Malaysia through the promotion of a media charter to raise public awareness.

WAMI is a group of writers for the Chinese media in Malaysia, which aims to defend and promote media independence for freer public discussion and wider democratic space. It was formed by about 90 writers who quit writing for the mainstream Chinese media in May 2001 in protest over the coerced takeover of the non-partisan Nanyang Press by the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), a ruling coalition member party.


Malacca chief minister Mohamad Ali Rustam reportedly said that marriages for Muslims below the current minimum age of 16 years for females and 18 for males would be allowed

Rights groups condemn Malaysian state's decision to allow child marriage

"The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)." -- Bukhari 7.62.88

The Islamic religious council in southern Malacca state has greenlighted child marriage. It did so not as a "practical move," as is claimed here, but in imitation of Muhammad's example, since Muhammad is the supreme example of conduct for Muslims (cf. Qur'an 33:21). And so here again we confront the irony: Islamic spokesmen in the West routinely denounce as "Islamophobes" those who point out that Muhammad consummated his marriage with Aisha when he was 54 and she was 9, and claim that Aisha was much older, but in the Islamic world the Misunderstanders of Islam once again abound, and engage in or condone child marriage in imitation of Muhammad.

"Outcry over Malaysian child marriages," from AAP, August 4 (thanks to Twostellas):

A Malaysian state's decision to allow child marriages caused an outcry on Wednesday, with rights groups condemning new rules that allow Muslim girls below 16 years to wed.

The decision by the Islamic religious council in southern Malacca state has been billed as an attempt to curb premarital sex and baby dumping, after a string of cases of newborns being abandoned.

"Child marriage amounts to paedophilia. We should not condone child marriages," said Ivy Josiah, executive director of leading activist group Women's Aid Organisation.

Malacca chief minister Mohamad Ali Rustam reportedly said that marriages for Muslims below the current minimum age of 16 years for females and 18 for males would be allowed with the permission of parents and religious courts.

Ali Rustam, who is the chairman of the influential state Islamic council, said the plan would reduce the number of cases of babies born out of wedlock and cut incidents of adultery.

"It is a practical move in preventing cases of unwed teenage mothers and other social problems," he was quoted as saying by the New Straits Times newspaper on Wednesday.

The report said that in the first six months of the year 174 Muslim women gave birth outside wedlock in the state. All were below 20-years-old.

In Malaysia, Muslims make up about 60 per cent of the 28 million population and are subject to religious Sharia law which operates in parallel with the civil legal system....

Posted by Robert on August 4, 2010 8:28 AM | 21 Comments

Malaysia is converting tropical forests to rubberwood plantations

Scientists warn that Malaysia is converting tropical forests to rubberwood plantations

Forests / Waelder: Deforestation, Abholzung, Land use change, Landnutzungsänderung
Countries / Laender

* Malaisien
* Malaysia

The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) has condemned Malaysia's booming practice of converting tropical forests into rubberwood plantations, arguing that the conversion threatens Malaysia's biodiversity, endangered species, and releases significant greenhouse gas emissions.

According to the resolution, rubberwood plantations in Malaysia have expanded nearly 30-fold in three years from 1,626 hectares to 44,148 hectares last year. Such plantations will be tapped for latex for 15 years before the entire plantation is logged for timber. It is estimated that rubberwood plantations could expand to 1.2 million hectares in Malaysia alone.

"Further conversion of tropical forests to exotic plantation monocultures will result in large-scale damage to native plants and wildlife, increased greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation, downstream flooding and stream damage, and the decline of other important ecosystem services," the ATBC scientists write. The organization is the world's largest professional society devoted to the study and conservation of tropical forests with thousands of members spanning over 100 nations.

The conversion also goes against many of the Malaysian government's policies, according to the ATBC. In 1992 the Malaysian government pledged that at least half of Malaysian land would remain under permanent forest cover, and that national forest management must consider the conservation of biodiversity.

ATBC's resolution "urges the Government of Malaysia to protect its remaining tropical forests […] and to effect an immediate moratorium on conversion of such forests to rubberwood and other timber plantations."

In addition the government should seek alternative revenue for its natural forests from programs like Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and Payments for Environmental Services (PES).

As of 2005 just over 60 percent of Malaysia was under forest cover, though only 11.6 percent was considered 'pristine'. The Southeast Asian nation lost on average 140,200 hectares of forest every year between 2000 and 2005: the rate of deforestation accelerating by 85 percent since the 1990s, giving Malaysia the highest jump in forest destruction worldwide. According to 2005 data over 1.5 million hectares of Malaysia is plantations, comprising 7.5 percent of its forest cover.

Umno dan Utusan akan tenggelam dengan mesej perkauman sendiri kerana mereka sampai sekarang berada dalam sindrom tidak boleh menerima hakikat bahawa rakyat mahu prinsip ketelusan

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Rafizi : 1 Melayu, 1 Bumi Penghinaan Terbuka Dasar 1 Malaysia Najib

SHAH ALAM 21 APRIL: Selepas pencapaian memberansangkan Pakatan Rakyat dengan kemenangan 15 kerusi pada Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Sarawak minggu lalu, slogan 1Malaysia yang dijaja oleh Perdana Menteri Najib Razak kini mula dipertikaikan.

Akhbar Utusan Malaysia yang dianggap lidah rasmi parti itu kini mula mempersoalkan dasar tersebut melalui penulisan artikel setengah muka bertajuk "Ayuh! Gerakkan Segera 1Melayu, 1Bumi".

Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli yang dihubungi Tv Selangor menyifatkan ianya sebahagian daripada sindrom gagal menerima hakikat menerusi keputusan luar jangka pengundi Cina terhadap parti Barisan Nasional (BN).

Katanya, senjata perkauman yang dijulang BN dengan menggambarkan kemenangan DAP di 12 kerusi kawasan majoriti pengundi Cina sebagai faktor kaum Melayu ditindas hanya bertujuan memecahkanbelahkan masyarakat di negara ini.

"Sedangkan itu satu analisa yang salah sebab kalau kita lihat secara terperinci, perubahan undi paling besar adalah daripada kaum bumiputera baik Islam atau bukan Islam di Sarawak kepada Pakatan Rakyat adalah pengundi PKR. Tapi tentu analisis ini tidak akan ditunjukkan sebab akan lari dari skrip perkauman mereka," kata beliau.

Jelas Rafizi, perubahan undi kepada calon-calon PKR beragama Islam sebanyak 15 hingga 17 peratus membuktikan sentimen kaum dan agama yang cuba dimanipulasi BN kepada pengundi di Sarawak tidak boleh diterima pakai.

"Maknanya Umno dan Utusan akan tenggelam dengan mesej perkauman sendiri kerana mereka sampai sekarang berada dalam sindrom tidak boleh menerima hakikat bahawa rakyat mahu prinsip ketelusan," katanya.

Justeru beliau menasihatkan kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat berhati-hati membuat sebarang kenyataan bagi mengelak daripada Umno-BN dan sekutunya memutarbelitkan fakta yang berkaitan kaum dan agama.

Semalam, Timbalan Ketua Pengarang Utusan, Datuk Zaini Hassan dalam artikelnya mencadangkan kepada Umno untuk melancarkan gerakan 1Melayu, 1Bumi bagi mempertahankan kuasa politik orang Melayu.

Penulisannya turut menyentuh bagaimana masyarakat Melayu telah hilang perpaduan berbanding kaum Cina selain memperlekehkan slogan 1Malaysia yang digembar-gemburkan Najib Razak.

Sementara itu Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang berpendapat artikel dari lidah rasmi Umno-BN itu secara jelas mempermainkan dasar 1Malaysia yang diperjuangkan Perdana Menteri sejak tahun 2009.

Katanya, Najib dilihat sebagai boneka dalam Umno-BN kerana gagal menyatupadukan mentaliti kepimpinan parti itu berhubung dasar beliau sendiri.

Tambahnya lagi, dakwaan bahawa DAP akan merampas kuasa sekiranya Pakatan Rakyat menjadi kerajaan adalah tidak berasas justeru menyifatkan seruan Timbalan Ketua Pengarang Utusan itu sebagai menggangu-gugat ketenteraman awam.

"Tiada tolak ansur dalam perkara ini. Kalau dia tidak ambil tindakan terhadap Utusan Malaysia, ini bererti dasar 1Malaysia beliau adalah pembohongan dan kedua ia menunjukkan Najib tidak ada kuasa dalam Umno untuk memastikan dasar beliau diterima dalam parti sendiri," jelas beliau.

一个马来西亚电邮(1 Malaysia email)的课题越闹越热


作者/本刊记者 Apr 21, 2011 02:05:29 pm

【本刊记者撰述】一个马来西亚电邮(1 Malaysia email)的课题越闹越热,首相署表现管理及传递单位(PEMANDU)被揭发在昨天悄悄更改其网站内容,把“一个马来西亚电邮”计划从政府推动(Government Initiative)的投资项目,改成由Tricubes有限公司主导的私人领域推动(Private Sector Initiative)的投资项目。

GreyReview网站在昨天刊登一篇文章,里头出现有关表现管理及传递单位(PEMANDU)网站的打印屏幕(Print Screen),显示“一个马来西亚电邮”计划的内容,在宣布当天(周二),以及昨天(周三)之间,出现很大的落差,从而揭发表现管理及传递单位悄悄更改“一个马来西亚电邮”计划的内容。






截至今天早上,已经有高达3万6000名面子书用户加入反对一个马来西亚电邮的行列。此外,根据负责“一个马来西亚电邮”计划的政府单位——马来西亚行政现代化及管理单位(MAMPU)所发出的竞标指南显示,这项计划的关键表现指标(KPI)是在2015年之际,让年龄18岁以上的国人,100%成为这个电邮的用户。【点击:限定2015年达100%用户率 电邮计划原是政府投资项目?】





Mohd Habib Abdullah 转载 Kami Benci Saiful Bukhari!:

Ape kejadahnya PM yg sepatutnya menjadikan pemegang amanah terhadap harta rakyat telah menggunakan amanah tersebut untuk me'makbapak'kan harta rakyat tersebut utk selamatkan syarikat adiknya!!!
Terbongkar! Email 1 Malaysia untuk selamatkan adik Najib! - MiLo SuaM

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


RM1.75 juta diperuntukan kepada 28 sekolah Tamil di Pulau Pinang di bawah Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat

Ucapan Ketua Menteri Negeri Pulau Pinang YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng



Upacara Penyampaian Cek Di Auditorium A, Komtar Pada 20 APRIL 2011

YB. Dato’ Mansor bin Othman,Timbalan Ketua Menteri 1

Y.B Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy, Timbalan Ketua Menteri II

Dr. K. Anbalakan Pengerusi J/K Sekolah-sekolah Tamil Negeri PP

Ahli –ahli EXCO, ADUN-ADUN, Ahli-ahli Parlimen

Ketua-ketua Jabatan

Ahli-ahli J/K Sekolah-sekolah Tamil

Ahli-ahli Pesuruhjaya Lembaga Wakaf Hindu Negeri PP

Guru-guru Besar dan Pengerusi PIBG Sekolah-sekolah Tamil Negeri PP

Para Media

Tuan-tuan,Puan-puan sekalian

Selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera.

1. Saya berasa amat bersyukur kerana di pagi yang mulia ini kita dapat bersama-sama berkumpul untuk menjalankan satu lagi tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan kepada kita demi kebajikan rakyat Negeri Pulau Pinang.

2. Ini merupakan kali ketiga Kerajaan Negeri Pakatan Rakyat memberi peruntukan tetap atau secara berkanun (Institutionalised allocation) kepada sekolah-sekolah rendah Tamil di Negeri Pulau Pinang. Pada tahun 2009, kita telah memperuntukkan sebanyak RM1.5 juta kepada sekolah Tamil dan angka ini telah meningkat kepada RM1.75 juta sejak tahun 2010.

3. Berbeza dengan pentadbiran lalu di mana hanya apabila berlakunya pilihanraya atau pilihanraya kecil baru sekolah-sekalah Tamil diberi peruntukan. Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat memberi peruntukan berinstitusi setiap tahun tanpa kira samada pilihanraya atau tidak.

Kesemua wakil-wakil Sekolah Tamil dapat menjadi saksi kepada kerajaan negeri selepas 3 tahun memperolehi peruntukan berturut-turut.

4. Dengan mengamalkan prinsip CAT, kita telah dapat mengelakkan banyak pembaziran dan melalui penjimatan inilah dapat disalurkan untuk kegunaan yang lebih bermakna, seperti peruntukan pembangunan kepada sekolah-sekolah Tamil yang kita lakukan hari ini.

Kerajaan Negeri amat berbangga kerana setelah 18 tahun di bawah pemerintahan lama, kerajaan terdahulu tidak dapat menyediakan tapak untuk pembangunan sekolah Tamil tetapi ianya dapat dilakukan dengan jayanya oleh Kerajaan Berjiwa Rakyat Pakatan Rakyat di mana sebidang tanah telah diberikan oleh pihak MPPP untuk pembinaan Sekolah Tamil Azad.

Saya juga difahamkan bahawa pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Tamil Azad telah mula belajar di premis baru pada 28 Mac 2011 baru-baru ini. Ini telah membuktikan bahawa Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat tidak pernah membeza-bezakan rakyatnya. Nikmat pembangunan Pulau Pinang adalah untuk dikecapi oleh semua lapisan masyarakat tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik.

5. Sebagai kerajaan yang prihatin, kita sedar bahawa sekolah Tamil mempunyai banyak kekangan berbanding sekolah aliran lain seperti kekurangan bilik darjah, tiada tandas yang moden, kekurangan meja dan kerusi dan peralatan pengajaran yang lain. Selain itu, kebanyakan sekolah Tamil juga tidak mempunyai kemudahan untuk pendidkan komputer dan tadika.

Semua ini adalah kerana sekolah-sekolah ini tidak diberikan perhatian yang sewajarnya oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan sekian lamanya. Laporan yang disediakan oleh Jawatankuasa Khas Sekolah-Sekolah Tamil Negeri Pulau Pinang telah menunjukkan hakikat ini dengan jelas. Atas kesedaran itulah pihak Kerajaan Negeri membuat keputusan untuk memberikan peruntukan secara berkanun tetap atau Institutionalised setiap tahun.

6. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa bantuan ini hanya bersifat bonus kerana sekolah dan pendidikan adalah tanggungjawab utama Kementerian Pelajaran. Tahun ini kerajaan negeri mewajibkan semua sekolah yang ingin mendapatkan bantuan kerajaan untuk membuktikan bahawa permohonan telahpun diketengahkan kepada kerajaan persekutuan. Ini adalah untuk memastikan permohonan dihantar agar Kementerian Pelajaran tidak ada alasan bahawa mereka tidak bagi wang kerana tidak menerima permohonan.

7. Untuk menangani kekangan tersebut, Timbalan Ketua Menteri II, YB Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy, yang juga merupakan Ahli Exco bagi pendidikan, telah menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Khas Sekolah-Sekolah Tamil yang diketuai oleh Dr. K. Anbalakan, diberi kebebasan sepenuhnya untuk menjalankan kajian menentukan peruntukan kewangan dan mencadangkan tindakan-tindakan yang perlu diambil.

8. RM1.75 juta yang diagihkan pada tahun lepas telah digunakan dengan cermat oleh PIBG dan guru-guru besar dengan pembelian kerusi & meja, papan hijau, kipas, penghawa dingin, komputer dan sebagainya. Selain itu, kerja-kerja menaiktaraf bangunan seperti bilik darjah, kantin dan tandas juga telah dilakukan.

Saya juga diberitahu bahawa di SJKT Ladang Changkat telah membina tiga buah bilik darjah tambahan untuk menampung kadar peningkatan pelajar. Sementara itu, di SJKT Jalan Sungai pula sebuah dewan serbaguna telah dibina dan dewan itu juga disewakan untuk kegunaan awam bagi menjana kewangan sekolah.

9. Prestasi sekolah-sekolah Tamil di Pulau Pinang dalam UPSR tahun 2010 telah meningkat sedikit berbanding dengan tahun-tahun lepas. Kita berasa bangga kerana bantuan yang dihulurkan sedikit sebanyak telah membantu dalam pencapaian itu. Saya berharap pada tahun ini murid-murid sekolah Tamil akan dapat mencatatkan prestasi yang lebih baik lagi.

10. Saya percaya bahawa selaras dengan impian kerajaan negeri untuk menjadi negeri bertaraf antarabangsa, Pulau Pinang mestilah memimpin dalam semua bidang dengan cemerlang. Saya percaya dengan sokongan daripada kerajaan negeri, sekolah Tamil di Pulau Pinang boleh menjadi sekolah Tamil yang paling baik di Malaysia.

11. Gunakan kemudahan yang ada untuk terus perkasakan institusi pendidikan dan lahirkan lebih ramai cendekiawan negara dan jadikan segala kekurangan sebagai satu dorongan untuk membentuk jati diri yang cekal kerana langit tak selalunya mendung. Selagi Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat menerajui tampuk kepimpinan Negeri Pulau Pinang, selagi itulah kebajikan rakyatnya akan diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya.

Sekian, terima kasih.


Hadi speaks on Sarawak, RPK and party polls

KUALA LUMPUR, Apr 20: PAS president speaks to Harakahdaily on a number of issues ranging from the just concluded Sarawak elections to PAS's upcoming polls. Below are excerpts from the interview.

On media and party polls

PAS leadership and supporters should not be influenced by their opponents' tune on the question of party posts, intentionally played to divide the party into two groups called religionists and professionals.

In reality, there are not such divisions, because everyone is fighting from within the party to uphold Islam as a way of life in this country. We should go back to the history of PAS's formation to understand this.

There are professionals who are as qualified to lead the party as the other leaders in the struggle of Islam, hence this ensures PAS's objective cannot deviate.

This is what leaders, members and supporter of PAS must realise so that unity can be forged. Our opponents would spend so much time playing the same tune in the run-up to the Muktamar in June.

Click here to view the interview.

So, we have to handle this wisely. Just because the media play their tune, we should not segregate ourselves.

On being challenged for presidency

For the president's post, if there is nomination to contest against me, I will be more than welcome, because I am also not going to be a leader forever. I’m getting old and we are in dire need of the next level of leadership.

On other posts

PAS has always welcomed contest for every post in the party because it not only proves the party is open about selecting leaders by members, it also helps strengthen leadership.

If there is nomination to contest against any PAS leader for any position in the party, whatever the background of the candidates is, we should welcome it with a sense of unity because in the process, it will have wisdom for PAS.

On performance in Sarawak

If the 10th Sarawak state election had taken place in the context of a truly democractic environment such as in some countries, PAS would have won because there would have been no restriction on the people to make their choice.

The reality in Sarawak is that PAS had been clearly restricted by BN from disseminating information to the people through many methods, especially through the media propaganda.

This impeded our campaign to explain the party’s struggles to the masses, to the extent Sarawakians had been influenced by BN to vote for them, although BN was clearly rejected by the educated masses and those who were enlightened with information such as the case in urban areas.

Regardless, the increase in public support for PAS in Sarawak proved that Sarawakians cannot be fooled by the BN forever, and this augurs well for PAS there in the future.

This positive development must be capitalised by the PAS machinery at every level so that the party's struggle is explained to every citizen of Sabah and Sarawak from time to time, in tandem with the same efforts in the Peninsula.

On Raja Petra Kamaruddin

Issues related to Raja Petra such as the one spun by the media with regards to his statutory declaration, will be futile to be commented upon by PAS.

It is a waste of time to respond to such things.

On support among Malays

This is clearly a distorted fact (that PAS failed to attract Malays). A section of the Malays do not realise their obligation to support the struggle for Islam, to the extent they are willing to give support to a secular party to lead them.

It is interesting that non-Muslims had awakened and understood the importance of supporting PAS and its Islamic administration, as well as the other parties.

It is not PAS which is sick, but the Malays, and they need to be assisted and remedied by us so that they will realise their position and their actual role in the Islamic struggle.

Last word on sincerity

Sincerity is very important. Any hardwork devoid of sincerity will be rendered useless. God helps when there is sincerity, so PAS can only be victorious if it is sincere.










Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Merdeka Review Fans Club

《独立新闻在线》- 网民大骂全民电邮计划愚蠢 抗议面子书专页突破二万人


Jason Chong Ya really stupid. Why not spending the $$$ on upgrading the infrastructures in inlands of Sarawak and Sabah instead.

Hyeon Bin Chin 反对一个大马电邮之余,千万别忘了也要反对希土问题,别让这个转移了大家的视线

it's expensive to live in Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur. A report shows that Malaysians have less purchasing power than many nationals elsewhere.

By Sebastian Loh, 4/19/2011
Living in Malaysia is expensive

If you don't know already, it's expensive to live in Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur. A report shows that Malaysians have less purchasing power than many nationals elsewhere.

AP File Photo
The Malaysian Insider, an online Malaysian news website, examined the purchasing power of Malaysians in comparison to nationals of other countries. The website cited a 2010 Prices and Wages report by UBS AG, a Swiss banking giant.

Here are the highlights:

The purchasing power of KL residents is 33.8% of New Yorkers; 42% compared to London, 33.7% to Sydney, 32.6% to Los Angeles, and 31.6% to Zurich.

KL workers need to labour 22 minutes for a bread loaf. In comparison, Los Angeles counterparts take 18 minutes. In Sydney, it's 16 minutes. In Tokyo, 15 minutes. In Zurich, 12 minutes.

The Malaysian Insider also compared broadband prices in Malaysia to those in countries. Even after currency conversion, Malaysia comes out on top... in expensiveness. Here's the summary:

Kuala Lumpur - 5Mbps broadband package - RM149
London - 10Mbps broadband package - GBP13.50
Melbourne - 5-8Mbps broadband package - AUD40
New York - 7Mbps broadband package - USD41.95

Here's another tidbit from The Malaysian Insider article:

In KL, a Honda Civic is priced at RM115,000 - 20 times an auditor's average monthly earnings.

In Melbourne & London, the price is respectively AUD25,000 and GBP19,000 - 3 times an auditor's average monthly earnings in those places.

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Utusan calls for 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement
By Shannon Teoh April 20, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, April 20 — Utusan Malaysia called on its owners Umno today to spearhead a 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement involving all Malay parties — claiming DAP was intent on toppling the country’s Malay leadership.

“What Umno needs to do now, in this pressing time, is to launch a wave of racial unity - 1Melayu, 1Bumi. Launch 1Melayu, 1Bumi immediately with other Malay parties,” assistant chief editor Datuk Zaini Hassan wrote in the Malay daily today.

In his Cuit column, he said that DAP’s slogans in the recently concluded Sarawak state election called for Chinese voters to change the Malay-led government, adding that they already controlled everything and was now aiming for political power.

“Only absolute political power has not been controlled by the Chinese, everything else has been taken. Now DAP bringing great slogans among them, Undi Untuk Ubah (Vote for Change), Enough is Enough and Selamatkan Malaysia (Save Malaysia).

“In truth, those slogans are aimed at no one else but specifically the Chinese. It is displayed proudly on the chests of DAP candidates and supporters in the Sarawak election so that the Malay leadership of Malaysia is changed,” he added.

In his column, he said that the Chinese community was a united force whose “brotherhood” was unmatched by any other race in the country.

He said that despite their different political stands, Chinese voters would unite when the time came to decide the fate of their community.

Zaini also said that the Chinese community helped each other economically and stood together unwaveringly to protect their culture, language and vernacular education.

“The Chinese language is a high priority and it is said that even Chinese who cannot read Chinese will still buy Chinese newspapers.

“In short, the Chinese are actually very fortunate to be in Malaysia. They have controlled everything. The top ten Chinese are Malaysian billionaires,” he wrote.

However, he provided no facts to substantiate the claim that the Chinese community was such a united force.

Zaini said that while DAP has united the Chinese politically, Malays have so far done nothing in response.

“They are a race that is quite comfortable, complacent and apathetic. In fact, their thoughts are quite disorganised,” he wrote.

Zaini said that if PAS refused to participate in the 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement, Umno could join hands with the dozens of Malay NGOs who were established because they were “thirsting to fight for the interests of the race that is increasingly being left behind.”

He added that Chinese component parties in Barisan Nasional (BN) would not be upset with such a move to unite Malays as Chinese were already united.

1 Malaysia email----no, no, no............

Najib announced: "Malaysians aged 18 and above will be given a secure 1 Malaysia email account for official purposes"

Tricubes Bhd, which has been awarded the RM50 million contract to launch the 1Malaysia email service, is a financially troubled company!

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1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower

‎"Pemandu has clarified that the government will not be financing the 1 Malaysia email account and that it would not be made compulsory.

But questions remain over how Tricubes Bhd, in danger of being delisted from Bursa Malaysia due to financial irregularities, will finance the project."

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1 Malaysia email sparks online protests - The Malaysian Insider
‎1 Malaysia email sparks online protests


1 Malaysia email sparks online protests
By Yow Hong Chieh April 19, 2011

Several Facebook pages have been created by people to vent their anger over the 1 Malaysian

email plan. — Reuters pic

KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 — The prime minister’s announcement today that every adult Malaysian will be given a 1 Malaysia email account has triggered multiple online protests by those dead set against the RM50 million project.
Like the virtual protests that mushroomed after the RM5 billion Warisan Merdeka tower was unveiled last year, the public has taken to social networking site Facebook to lash out against Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s latest 1 Malaysia exercise.

Several Facebook pages have been created by Malaysians wishing to vent their anger, with the most popular so far being “1M Malaysians Who Don’t Want Najib’s 1 Malaysia Email”.

The page, which was created anonymously, has attracted 2,022 followers as of 8.05 tonight.

Its fans are united in their disgust at what they see as yet more public funds being wasted on an unnecessary service.

“RM50 million for email?? existing MP published email also can’t reply efficiently, What level of confident such will improve the effective or efficiency in communication? 1malaysia only for who? actually?” said one fan.

“Please use OUR money in the correct way, upgrade our broadband, subsidy gasoline, remove credit card tax or whatsoever! We already have our own email account (gmail/yahoo/hotmail/etc) which is free, we no need 1Malaysia email account. Totally disappointed to your motto and actions,” said another fan.

A third said: “It’s astonishing how the gov is able to frequently come out with nonsensical plans to waste our money. Malaysia Boleh!!”

Yet another fan urged Malaysians to come up with “stupid and rude” usernames like ““ or ““ if the e-mail account was made mandatory.

It is not clear if the page was created by the same people behind the popular “1M Malaysians Reject 100-Storey Mega Tower” page, which has pulled in nearly 300,000 fans since its creation.

The 1 Malaysia e-mail project was also greeted with widespread derision on micro-blogging site Twitter, where #1malaysiaemail was the second-highest trending topic in Malaysia as of 8.05pm.

In addition to the #1malaysiaemail hashtag, terms like “RM50m” and “Tricubes” also made it to the list of Malaysia’s top 10 trending topics.

The Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) has been forced to go on damage control since the announcement was made earlier this afternoon.

Pemandu has clarified that the government will not be financing the 1 Malaysia email account and that it would not be made compulsory.

But questions remain over how Tricubes Bhd, in danger of being delisted from Bursa Malaysia due to financial irregularities, will finance the project.

Najib announced today that all Malaysians aged 18 and above will be given secure 1 Malaysia e-mail accounts that will allow direct and secure communication between the public and the government.

The account is also part of a new one-stop web portal for government services, which will include social networking features as well as online bill payment and citizen application facilities.

The Malaysia Insider understands that the 1 Malaysia email service will use software from Microsoft, the company that now owns the free Hotmail account service.

The 1 Malaysia email service is part of Najib’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) to achieve developed nation status by 2020.

He said today that the RM50 million investment will have a gross national income (GNI) impact of RM39 million up to 2015 and will enhance delivery of public services